The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is a widely used self-report questionnaire. It can be used to asses your personality type. But at the same time, it also offers you information regarding your personal traits and preferences, and all that information can be used for professional development in the long run. With the MBTI assessment you can easily identify psychological preferences, see how people make decisions, and learn what pushes them towards certain decisions and not others.
What makes this assessment unique is that it focuses on the value of naturally occurring differences. It shows that we have specific differences when it comes to how we create experiences, and those preferences are the ones that change our values, needs, motivation, and so on.

Is the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator reliable?
You can use the MBTI assessment to discern your personality type, home in on your strengths, and use it to consider ideas for your future. In other words, you can use the MBTI assessment for personal development and for your career development. The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is considered reliable, is designed to work very well in the business world and has been used widely by organizations to help people learn about themselves and others they work with.

What can the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator be used for?
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is used across the globe as a tool for personality assessment. Many people use the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator to increase their emotional intelligence. The results you acquire can be used in making decisions about you, what you want to do next, and what changes you might want to make going forward. In addition, the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator can be used as a tool to identify problems and opportunities.
It can be a great tool [you will want to use many] to use in creating a targeted career development plan. It can be used to help you function better at work, make a move toward a career that better fits your personality, learn about professions that are aligned with your type, build stronger relationships, and grow personally.
At the end of the day, the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is great place to start when it comes to assessing your personality type and understanding what suits you. It’s a great way to learn about yourself, your focus and whether it’s internal or external, how you process information, how you make decisions, and how you deal with and respond to people. It gives you the opportunity to learn about yourself, enhance your performance, and build on your strengths. One thing is certain, this very helpful tool will help you to understand yourself, improve your interpersonal and communication skills, and gain insights into an even better you!