Over the course of time, coaches have evolved. In the past, they were generally reserved for executives and high-level entrepreneurs. But that’s not the case anymore, personal development coaches are fairly common and available to help the mainstream population achieve things that might have once appeared out of reach. If you’re considering a personal development coach and are actively evaluating the pros and cons of hiring one, there are a few things to keep in mind in terms of benefits. A personal development coach usually works directly with you as you work toward your personal and professional goals.

Here are 10 benefits in working with a personal development coach.

1. Get Unstuck
There’s nothing like being stuck and being paralyzed by fear, insecurity, indecision, or something else. You could be at the crossroads of a move to a new city, contemplating a career change, ending a relationship, or on the threshold of launching something massive. Charting a new course in life is not for the faint of heart. A personal development coach helps you navigate through difficult decisions decisions you’ll consider as you get yourself unstuck. Of course your personal coach won’t tell you what to do, he or she will help you to see things more clearly and constructively than you would on your own.

2. Do What You Want to Do
A personal development coach works with you in setting set goals, creating plans, and taking action. You’ll move forward faster and more efficiently. You’ll get stuff done. Coaches often use personality tests, goal-setting agendas, and role-playing exercises to resolve problems and help you to do exactly what you want to do. Your performance will improve – you’ll look at yourself differently and you’ll learn your abilities are far greater than you realized.

3. Build Confidence 
We can all use a boost of confidence at some point. Maybe it’s to take a step toward something new or bigger or bolder. But, your bold new move might require that you look at yourself from different angles and perspectives. Your move may have requirements attached to it and you may see some areas where you’re lacking or in need of improvement. That can have an impact on anyone’s self confidence. A personal development coach will help you to see yourself as a capable human being. Your coach will help you to build confidence in yourself, help you emphasize your strengths, and you’ll finally believe in your abilities.

4. Procrastinate No More
If you’re a professional procrastinator, a personal development coach would work with you to design a plan to break that behavior. You won’t get anywhere fast if you put off what you need to do – you’re actually delaying your own success. A personal development coach will help you to replace behaviors that don’t work with more effective actions. You’ll use a more disciplined approach to achieve your goals.

5. Motivation And Accountability Check
Your personal development coach will help you to stay on track and keep you accountable. You’ll move forward on the plans you set and accomplish the milestones you defined early on in your work together. You need someone there to urge you on – that’s what your coach will do.

6. Comfort Zone Shift 
Leaving the boundaries of your personal comfort in an effort to achieve great things can feel intimidating and like something that should definitely be put off. A personal development coach partners with you as you move toward your goals, take on new challenges, and break through barriers. You’ll take small steps but make great strides. And, you’ll have moved beyond the boundaries you created to achieve your true potential.

7. Find Your Place In The World
Everyone gets lost at one point or another. We start off with a dream and find out that it’s not exactly what we thought it would be. Then, we question our purpose and wonder where we belong. Is this the right time, right place, right anything? A personal development coach helps you to get back on track. A path that takes you where you belong. It’s your own personal reset – you can start anew.

8. Work-Life-Balance
There’s always so much going on in life and it can be overwhelming. Whatever your story is, you’ve become exhausted by it all and want it to stop. What if you didn’t have to feel that way? A personal development coach can help you to find a healthy work-life balance, bring some peace into your life, and eliminate some of that stress you’ve been living with [and don’t have to any more.]

9. It’s Confidential 
Sometimes it’s just niceto blow off steam. To share something private without any threat of judgement or it getting back to people around you. What you discuss with your personal development coach stays with your personal development coach. Coaches must comply with ethical practices of confidentiality. You can be assured that your discussions will not go beyond the four walls of your coach’s office.

10. Forward 
Your coach is trained to help you more forward, set your goals, and take meaningful action. You can work [more quickly and efficiently] toward better performance, eliminating fear, removing obstacles, making bold new career moves, and taking charge in relationships, life, and your future. Is it time for you to take the first step?